Olive Lennon
Associate Professor, University College Dublin, Ireland
Dr Olive Lennon is an Associate Professor at the School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science at University College Dublin, Ireland. She is an experienced clinician and educator, specialising in neurorehabilitation. Her research focusses on maximising health and wellbeing for individuals with neurological disability with projects that span robotic devices to behavioural change interventions.
She is the former chair of INSsPiRE, an international network of stroke secondary prevention researchers, contributes to many clinical guidelines in stroke including both the American Heart/ American Stroke Association stroke primary and secondary prevention guidelines for clinicians and the most recent edition of the National Clinical Guideline for Stroke for the UK and Ireland.
A strong advocate of Patient and Public Involvement in research, she has helped to develop PPI panels that support research and design activities in the Health Research Board funded Collaborative Doctoral Award iPASTAR (improving pathways after stroke and rehabilitation); Applied Partnership Award CLASP (codesigning life after stroke pathways) and feasibility trial ExSCIP (exoskeleton walking for spinal cord injury generated neuropathic pain).
Olive Lennon’s Presentations
Day One
11:30 - 12:30
Parallel: Enhancing health literacy and skills to reduce risk of secondary stroke
Lifestyle behaviour change theories/techniques relevant to stroke secondary prevention