
The European Life After Stroke Forum’s scientific committee is inviting submissions of abstracts from Tuesday 9 July. Abstracts play a pivotal role at the forum, with different opportunities to share your work with fellow peers.

You can find out more information about abstract submissions here.

Key dates:

Submission for abstracts open Tuesday 9 July 2024
Submission deadline Monday 7 October 2024
Author notification Friday 29 November 2024
Early bird registration deadline Friday 14 February 2025
Forum dates Monday 10 – Tuesday 11 March 2025

Presentation formats:

  • Oral presentations will be provided the opportunity to present as part of the main programme, including Q&A.
  • Posters will be displayed on a poster board for the duration of the event.

Presentation types:

There are two different presentation types, please ensure you submit your abstract using the appropriate link.

  • Scientific: this may be for completed or ongoing trials and studies in the broad area of life after stroke. Submit here.
  • Service development: this is to share experiences of service developments in life after stroke where these original ideas and innovative practices could be used by others. Submit here.

Abstract categories: 

The following categories are available for scientific and service development abstracts:

  • Secondary prevention
  • Emotional, cognitive and psychological impact of stroke
  • Communication, including swallowing difficulties
  • Lifestyle (inc. self and personal care, domestic life, employment, economic self-sufficiency, diet & nutrition)
  • Rehabilitation in life after stroke
  • Long term support (including carers and community support)
  • Patient and public involvement (including policy, guidelines, research development and advocacy)
  • Relationship needs
  • Other (if other, describe your submission category)