CME Accreditation

ELASF2024 will be accredited by EACCME® for healthcare professionals

CME Accreditation

The European Life After Stroke Forum on 11-12 March in Dublin, has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®). This means that healthcare professional delegates will be awarded 6.5 European CME credits (ECMEC®s) following the completion of our post-event survey.

Our learning objectives

After attending the ELASF 2024 – attendees will be able to:

Hear about the latest research: They will be able to learn about the latest research, which will be critically examined, and the implications of this for improving post-stroke care presented.

Compare best practices: They will hear about best practices in stroke care from different regions, identifying successful models to enhance stroke recovery programs globally.

Create patient-centred interventions: Sessions will be held to develop innovative and patient-centred ways of examining interventions. This will be aimed at educating professionals, empowering stroke survivors and promoting active engagement in their recovery journey.

Understand key issues in providing psychosocial support systems: Sessions will examine and assess the role of psychosocial support systems in post-stroke life, exploring practical strategies to enhance mental health and social well-being.

Formulate advocacy strategies: Delegates will be advised on how to formulate advocacy strategies to influence health policies, ensuring improved access to comprehensive stroke care and support services.